What's CPAP and BiPAP Machine?

by CPAP cleaning machine

Posted on 15-09-2021 12:28 am

What's the Difference Between a CPAP, APAP, and BiPAP Machine?

Today I want to talk to you about the differences between these devices what are they and how can they have treat obstructive sleep apnea so first of all let's get one thing out of the way what is obstructive sleep apnea .

Well sleep apnea is a condition where during the night your muscles of your throat and tongue relax and they tend to fall backwards into your airway during sleep blocking the path of valuable oxygen as it comes from the outside air into your lungs .

the Fox agem can't reach your lungs your organs and tissues don't get the oxygen they need and that causes a big problem so what these machines do is they blow a steady stream of pressurized air through the mouth or through the nose that pressurized air is actually used to open up the airway by blowing back some of the excess tissues and allowing that oxygen to reach your lungs.

If you treat your obstructive sleep apnea you'll feel a burst of energy in the morning I know I do when my machine and therapy work right I feel a burst of energy I have I don't get drowsy in the afternoon I get a lot of positive benefits with my life all because I'm getting the oxygen I need at night .

CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure and it's going to blow a one single set pressure between four and 20 and it's going to blow at that pressure that it's programmed to and it has no ability to change unless you actually go into the settings and change it to a different pressure .

PAP machine it stands for automatic positive airway pressure and a pap device is basically a device that samples and measures your breathing figures out what pressure you need to be at and then it automatically changes the pressure to suit whatever need you have at the particular time in the night .

So the a PAP machine is going to be a little bit more advanced it's going to be moderately a pepper also stands for automatic positive airway pressure the automatic meaning that it can automatically select the appropriate pressure for you .

BiPAP machine stands for bi-level positive airway pressure which basically means that instead of being set at one pressure setting the BiPAP has two .The BiPAP has one pressure setting for inhale one pressure setting for exhale . The exhale pressure is lower than the inhale pressure so that when you exhale you're not fighting against the air coming in you're able to breathe out a little bit easier .

Also used to treat specialized conditions like complex sleep apnea or central sleep apnea . Central sleep apnea is a condition in which the brain simply does not send the signal to breathe to the lungs so you could be sleeping and you lungs couldn't get the signal to breathe . In the process you're not going to meet you're not going to take the breath so you need to take to keep your organs happy so what this machine does is it's able to actually prompt breathing .

In central sleep apnea patients it's also used to treat complex sleep apnea which complex sleep apnea is a condition in which central sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea are occurring at the same time . BiPAP machine is able to help with that as well so bike apps aren't necessarily to be thought of as like just a better apap five apps are designed to treat very specific things very specific conditions and they serve a very specific purpose they're not just you know a fancier machine five apps are also the most expensive out of the three and generally you have to have a special prescription to get a BiPAP machine like you couldn't take a CPAP prescription and get it that sort of thing these devices are all prescription only so if you need to get your sleep apnea treated.

You would have to get a prescription from a doctor before you could go out and buy one of these things . But if you do have sleep apnea and you are able to use these it's going to help change your life . I know it did mine you know when I first started sleep apnea therapy I had been feeling tired and lethargic a lot but my sleep apnea therapy getting it treated with C pet with my a pet machine actually made a big difference in my energy level mood mental function everything so if you if you have sleep apnea get it treated it's going to be worth it so thank you very much everybody for watching have a great day


Resource : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rsr8mPble4s