CPAP Instructions for Children

by CPAP cleaner

Posted on 15-09-2021 03:42 am

How to use CPAP machine for Children

Your doctor has prescribed you a positive airway pressure device and we want to help you become successful with using it . It's important to become familiar with your device including fitting your mouse correctly cleaning your equipment troubleshooting and being able to recognize possible side-effects .

There are three general types of masks full-face nasal and nasal pillows to apply your mask disconnect the bottom headgear straps for a nasal or nasal pillows mask gently hold the mask to your nose and pull the headgear over your head .

For a full face mask with your mouth slightly open place the mask against your face by first setting the base of the mask under your lower lip then rolling the mask up over your nose while holding the mask in place reconnect the bottom headgear straps pull back the top and bottom tabs to evenly adjust the straps to the mask the mask should fit snug .

But comfortably connect the tubing to the mask now it's time for bed find a comfortable sleeping position if there are any excessive air leaks make final adjustments by applying pressure with the fingers directly to the mask in the location of the leak once the leak is corrected . Tighten the headgear straps closest to the leak do not over tighten each mask is different remember to follow your DME or home health care providers guidelines that are specific to your mask .

PAP therapy may be difficult for you to get used to it first that is okay start slow use it for short periods of time during the day while watching TV and slowly increase your time use the machines ramp this feature allows the machine to start at a lower pressure and will gradually increase pressure as you fall asleep be patient over time . You'll get used to it there are both positive and some possible negative side-effects when using pap therapy . The positive side effects include increased energy improved sleep mood and cognition consistent use of your pap device should have an overall positive effect on your health .

Some of the negative side effects could include congestion nasal or oral dryness headaches and claustrophobia negative side effects are often easy to control . Consult with your sleep physician should you experience any of these . When using your pap device waking with dry eyes and/or snoring while the mask is on could be due to air leaking from the mask check the mask and tubing for damage and ensure a proper fit oral or nasal dryness and/or sinus discomfort may be corrected by increasing the humidity setting on your device .

If symptoms persist notify your physician congestion and or runny nose while on cap therapy may be due to allergies contact your physician for treatment options redness or skin abrasions can be caused by over tightening the mask or an inappropriate mask .

If symptoms do not resolve with loosening of the mask contact your home health company if you have been using your pep device regularly but still feel you are excessively sleepy during the day or feel you are not experiencing restful sleep at night contact your physician for possible reevaluation .

As a general rule masks and headgear should be washed daily with warm soapy water no bleach alcohol or exposure to direct sunlight . Tubing should be washed weekly the mask and tubing should be rinsed with fresh water and left to air dry inspect the mask and tubing regularly for damage like cracks and tearing contact your home health company if damage is noticed .

Check with your home health company and/or insurance company regarding frequency at which the mask is replaceable be sure to follow recommendations from the manufacturer and your home health company make sure you follow up with your sleep physician on a regular basis and report any side effects as soon as possible by following these simple instructions and using your positive airway pressure device properly you'll be on your way about her health