Snoring Solutions

by Snoring solutions

Posted on 18-09-2021 01:20 am

Snoring Solutions To Consider

It has been estimated that around 45% of men and 30% of women are habitual snorers. Some snoring is caused by certain triggers such as having a cold or flu, drinking large amounts of alcohol, taking certain medications and certain allergies such as hay fever or allergic rhinitis so in these circumstances, a person would only snore during specific times of their lives. However, for others it is an ongoing problem. Snoring can affect anyone from overweight people to slim people. It is thought that as you age and gain weight, your chances of becoming a snorer increase greatly.

Snoring can also be caused by a weakness in the muscles of the throat and tongue, by having obstructed nasal passages or by having a long soft palate and by disposition of the jaw brought on by muscle tension. Although people make jokes about snoring, it is no laughing matter for the person sharing the bedroom with a person who snores. Snoring can make your partner's life a misery due to sleep deprivation and can also cause extreme fatigue for the person who is snoring. Luckily, there are many different snoring solutions available to try.

Dentists can take an impression of your jaw and teeth and fit you with an anti-snoring mouth guard. These can last up to two years before they need to be replaced and tests show very promising results with up to 87% of people enjoying a huge reduction in the severity of their snoring habits.

Regular fresh air and exercise are also essential to help prevent snoring. You do not need to go jogging or join a gym. An hour's walk outdoors every day should help to improve the way you breathe as you sleep and are therefore great snoring solutions.

You could also try and place a piece of cotton wool near your pillow with 3 or 4 drops of eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil and lavender oil. These essential oils are very effective at clearing the airways and can certainly delay the onset of snoring, which may allow your partner to be able to at least drop off to sleep.

Smoking and drinking are also responsible for snoring. If you are unable to stop smoking and drinking, try and cut down radically and avoid doing either for a couple of hours before bed.

One of the most effective snoring solutions is to raise your sleeping position by a few inches by using multiple pillows or raising your bed slightly.

Some research suggests that losing weight can dramatically improve snoring or stop it altogether while other scientists recommend that you should not eat dairy products.

Your doctor can prescribe steroidal nasal sprays to unblock nasal passages although these can only be used for short periods of time, or a nasal irrigation spray. Alternatively, you could inhale the steam from a bowl of boiling water with a menthol crystal added, although again, the results are only short term.

Pharmacies sell little plastic strips which you can place across the bridge of your nose and these are very good for opening your airways and preventing snoring. There are also a couple of natural snoring solutions you could try and are widely available and inexpensive to buy. Health stores stock a good range of throat sprays and mouth washes. They contain essential oils and are applied to the soft tissue at the back of the throat which creates a temporary coating and is proven to help decrease snoring.

You should gargle with the mouthwash for a minute every night before going to bed. Of course, not all of these snoring solutions mentioned will help everyone. If you are a permanent snorer who snores very loudly, gasps and chokes while you are asleep and you feel exhausted during the day, you should consult your doctor.

You will probably be referred to a specialist sleep clinic where you will be monitored to see if you are suffering from sleep apnoea (a condition which occurs because of snoring when you can actually stop breathing during sleep). A specialist will probably either recommend that you have continuous positive airway pressure by wearing a mask while you sleep, or you may need surgery.

Surgery is usually a last resort after other treatments have failed. A surgeon can carry out several different kinds of procedures to stop snoring altogether, but this should not be entered into lightly as all surgery carries risks. However, if snoring is affecting your quality of life, an operation may be necessary.

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